Pat Fleming presents

2024 International Open Dates
9-BALL: November 18 - 22, 2024 (5 days, Mon - Fri)
10-BALL: November 23 - 24, 2024 (2 days, Sat - Sun)
STRAIGHT POOL: November 23 - 26, 2024 (4 days, Sat - Tue)
JUNIORS: November 20 - 22, 2024 (3 days, Wed - Fri)
Visit our Sponsors
2023 INTL

We found a new home at The Renaissance Resort in St. Augustine, Florida (500 South Legacy Trail), and we couldn’t be happier.

The International will be hosting a variety of new events, featuring the best professional pool players in the world.

Nov. 18-22, 2024: The International 9-Ball Open - $75,000 Added
Nov. 18-22, 2024: The International Semi-Pro 9-Ball Open (650 Fargo Max) - $10,000 Added
Nov. 20-22, 2024: The International Junior 9-Ball Championship
Nov. 23-24, 2024: The International 10-Ball “Big Foot Challenge” Invitational - $4,000 Added
Nov. 23-26, 2024: The International Straight Pool Open - $30,000 Added
(formally known as Peter Burrow’s American 14.1 Straight Pool Championship)

Pay Player Entry
Player Entry

Interested in playing in The 2024 INTL?
Entries being accepted now

International Open Rules
Rules & Equipment

Take a look at the 2024 International Open rules and equipment and come prepared!

Simonis-Aramith Arena Seating
Arena Seating

Seating chart and pricing is now available. Find your seat and give us a call.

Sheraton Waterside Hotel Norfolk
Hotel Reservations

Reserve your specially discounted hotel room at The Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village here.

International Open Players
Registered Players

See the list of players who are confirmed to be participating in The 2024 International Open.

International Open Vendors
Vendor Inquiry

Are you a vendor? Interested in being a vendor in this star-studded event?

International Open Press Releases
Tournament Details

Get the very latest news and happenings of The 2024 International Open.

Contact International Open
Contact Us

Contact Pat Fleming and get answers to your most dire questions regarding "The International". Also, sponsorship opportunies are available.

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